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How do you rate
your health today? 

Use Functional Medicine and Holistic Health

for your personal and professional wellbeing.

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Are you


"Tired when I wake up"

"Have joint pain"

"Feel anxious a lot of the time"​

"Craving sugar"

"Finding it hard to get pregnant"?


I've been there too.

That's why I'm here to help.


I work with leaders on their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. This covers eating well, moving regularly, being focused and managing time well as well as being connected to a bigger purpose.

I match your motivation with the life you want.

I use Tiny Habits (a Stanford University method) to help you achieve big results in your lifestyle. Easily.

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Is your health helping or impairing your life? 
Do you want to  

  • Stop losing work days to pain and ill-health

  • Be more present and focused

  • Be able to play with your kids and travel freely

  • Lose weight or get off medication


With Functional Medicine, I use your body's data to write your Health Strategy with SMART goals on lifestyle changes and meal plans.

- Niki Gomez, Leadership Coach with Functional Medicine

How can Functional Medicine help?

Starting from the root causes, rather than the presenting symptoms, Functional Medicine is personalised medicine, that uses advanced testing to understand what's really going on inside your body, and natural ways to improve your health. All lifestyle recommendations come from your blood data and have been verified with clinical research.

I work with you on your health strategy, tactics and the daily actions

that get you to change behaviour forever.  

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Technology Genius


Niki made me realize, with her kind and professional approach, that weight loss can be done differently. And forever.


Nutrition Scientist


Niki was very attentive in assigning me achievable goals that kept me motivated and never felt like a burden. From mindful eating to exercise.


Sustainability Expert


I highly recommend health coaching with Niki for busy professionals who are ready to take steps and strides to maximize your quality of life!


Medical Doctor

San Francisco

It was amazing how quickly Niki helped me find space in my day, create better habits, and be more present in my daily activities.



I analyse and explain your blood tests. I

organise advanced tests if needed, such as the

Gut Microbiome for gut health, DUTCH for hormones or Organic Acids Test for micronutrients.


I create your personal

Lifestyle Plan - setting detailed SMART health goals and the steps to reach them with you. We uncover your real motivation for better health.


I create personalised meal plans, with recipes and supplements.

We identify your patterns and character strengths that will keep you changes on track.


I support you all the way, provide accountability & hand-holding to adapt your daily habits leading to change forever.

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How it works


About Niki Gomez

Certified Coach -

Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, USA

I bring a unique perspective to my practice, with an MBA from

MIT Sloan and having worked as a Marketing professional in Europe and Asia for many years, before my transition to Functional Medicine.


I understand the work pressures of being in both corporates and startups, and of trying to be a good parent.

My health journey 

After doing the Elimination Diet, I realised my lifelong bad digestion was due to gluten-sensitivity. This has changed my life for the better. I've now found my equilibrium body shape and won't struggle with my weight anymore. I lost 8 kg in the process. 

I can still eat pasta and bread, just the gluten-free kind. My married life depends on it, since my husband's Italian!

A few years ago I went through fertility treatments whilst in a busy corporate job. Now as a working Mother, recently moved to Mumbai from the UK, I understand how difficult it is to be healthy in a large polluted city with limited outdoor space. 

I'm here to help you, as change is tough alone. Using change basedd on your data, not guesswork.

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What is Functional Medicine Health Coaching?


Functional Medicine is a branch of health care that started in the USA about 30 years ago. It focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of health issues. This approach looks beyond the symptoms and uses a systems-oriented methodology to treat the whole person.

Functional Medicine believes ill-health starts in the gut and that inflammation needs to be brought under control. We use special tools to take your deep health history and specific lab testing to uncover the root cause of your symptoms.

We all know what we should be doing to be healthy, but don't always do it. Or we start and stop.

Health coaching helps you actually change your lifestyle forever by identifying your  strategic vision with personalized plans and goal setting to maximise your physical and mental wellbeing.

Health coaching works by identifying small daily habits to create large lifestyle changes and overcoming the blocks to achieving your goals.

I bring together a team of specialists from doctors to fitness experts, psychotherapists and physiotherapists to treat you holistically.


Health Coaching for Leaders

For your personalized Health Strategy based on your blood tests, that fits your lifestyle and goals, get in touch.

Employee Wellness

For employee wellness programs for start-ups and corporates, I work with HMP Wellness, a clinic in Mumbai, India. We do online and in-person programs. 

Love Stress Program

Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving overall health. I offer personalized meditation sessions- from mantra-based, visualisation and walking meditation.

As one size does not fit all.

Free Discovery Call

Try before you buy, with a free online consultation of 20 mins. 

Clinic Decoration

Meet online
or in-person

I work with Health Matthews Physio,

a wellness clinic in Mumbai.

We put holistic teams around our clients, finding the root causes of physical pain and other health issues. 

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Health Retreats

Our upcoming


Leadership retreat in February 2025

in Sri Lanka

Purpose, vision and well-being with Markd Global.


Blog - how to sleep, eat, move and stress right


Get in Touch

Contact us to either schedule a free consultation to see how we can help you, or know when our next retreat launches.

Thank You for Contacting Niki Gomez, Leadership Coach with Fiunctional Medicine

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